地 址: 东川路800号,智能电网大楼319,200240
2014至今, 足球博彩助理研究员
2013-2014, 都灵理工大学博士后
- Bei Han, Lingen Luo, Guojie Li and Xiuchen Jiang. Dynamic Topology Awareness and Localization in Power Distribution Network considering Non-Gaussian Noise, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020 (Published online: doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2020.3019247).
- Bei Han, Lingen Luo, Guojie Li and Xiuchen Jiang. Partial Discharge Direction of Arrival Estimation in Air-Insulated Substation by UHF Wireless Array and RSSI Maximum Likelihood Estimator, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2020 (Accepted).
- Qianhong Wu, Bei Han, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Chen Qi, Guojie Li, Keyou Wang, Lingen Luo. Extreme Bifurcation Interval with Deep PV Penetration Considering Correlated Net Bus Load Forecast Error, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019 (Published online: doi: 10.1109/TSTE.2019.2940930).
- Qianhong Wu, Bei Han, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Guojie Li, Keyou Wang, Lingen Luo, Xiuchen Jiang. Deep Ensemble With Proliferation of PV Energy for Bidirectional Evaluation of Voltage Stability Margin, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Volume: 11, Issue: 2, April 2020.
- Jianing Gao, Bei Han, Lijun Zhang, Chenbo Xu, Guojie Li, Lin Feng, Keyou Wang. Zonotope-based method for optimal allocation of wind capacity in microgrids considering generation uncertainty, IET Renewable Power Generation, Volume 13, Issue 16, December 2019, p. 2994 - 3001
- Lingen Luo, Bei Han, and Marti Rosas-Casals. Network Hierarchy Evolution and System Vulnerability in Power Grids. IEEE Systems Journal, Volume: 12, Issue: 3, Sept. 2018.
- Chen Qi, Keyou Wang, Yong Fu, Guo-Jie Li, Bei Han, Renle Huang, Tianjiao Pu. A Decentralized Optimal Operation of AC/DC Hybrid Distribution Grids. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume: 9 , Issue: 6 , Nov. 2018.
- Wei Wu, Keyou Wang, Bei Han, Guojie Li, Xxiuchen Jiang and M L. Crow, “A Versatile Probability Model of Photovoltaic Generation Using Pair Copula Construction", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp 1337-1345, Sep. 2015
- Yingjun Wu, Yi Tang, Bei Han. A Topology Analysis and Genetic Algorithm Combined Approach for Power Network Intentional Islanding. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2015, 71:174-183.
- Bei Han, Ettore Bompard, Francesco Profumo, Qing Xia. Paths Toward Smart Energy: A Framework for Comparison of the EU and China Energy Policy. IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, 2014, 5(2): 423 – 433.
- Ettore Bompard, Bei Han. Market-based Control in Emerging Distribution System Operation, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 2013,28(4):2373-2382.
- Ettore Bompard, Bei Han, Enrico Pons and Marcelo Masera, Smart Grid as Multi-layer Interacting System for Complex Decision Makings, Understanding Complex Systems, Springer, 2013.
- 吴倩红,韩蓓,李国杰,汪可友. “极高光伏渗透率下基于潮流雅克比矩阵和卷积神经网络的静态电压稳定在线预测”中国电机工程学报: 1-11[2020-08-26]. http://doi.org/10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.200164.
- 李幸芝,韩蓓,李国杰,汪可友,江秀臣.“考虑非高斯耦合不确定性的交直流配电网两阶段概率状态估计”电工技术学报: 1-12[2020-08-26]. http://doi.org/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.191590.
- 庞磊, 韩蓓, 汪可友,等. 考虑参数空间潮流可行域的交直流混合微电网下垂系数选取. 电力系统自动化, 2020, 044(010):77-84.
- 高佳宁, 韩蓓, 李国杰,等. 考虑不确定性的下垂控制微电网可达性分析. 中国电机工程学报, 2019, 39(24).
- 吴倩红,韩蓓,冯琳,李国杰,江秀臣.“人工智能+”时代下的智能电网预测分析. 足球博彩学报(自然版), 2018, 52(10): 1206-1219.
- 何红玉,韩蓓,徐晨博,张利军,李国杰,汪可友. 交直流混合微电网一致性协调优化管理系统. 电力自动化设备, 2018, 38(8): 138-146
- 何红玉,范丽,韩蓓,李国杰,刘召杰. 基于一致性协议的多微网协调控制. 电网技术, 2017, 41(4): 1269-1276
- 周烨,汪可友,李国杰,韩蓓,刘召杰,基于多智能体一致性算法的微电网分布式分层控制策略. 电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(011):142-149
- 国家自然科学基金:考虑群微网互动的配电网建模及自组织临界特性研究
- 科技部863课题:交直流混合配电网关键技术,项目本单位负责人
- 国家电网公司总部项目:交直流混合微电网运行特性与应用模式研究
- 国家电网公司总部项目:基于多源数据融合与移动互联网技术的分布式新能源公共信息服务平台研究与应用
- 国家电网公司浙江供电公司项目:交直流混合配电网拓扑架构、供电模式、可再生能源接纳能力与评估体系研究
- 国家电网公司山东供电公司项目:基于大数据随机矩阵的配电网负荷预测关键技术研究
- 国家电网公司江苏供电公司项目:智能配电网优化调度关键设备深化研究及示范应用
- 浙江省电力科学技术进步三等奖,2020
- 国家电网公司科技进步二等奖,2019
- 山东省科技进步二等奖,2018
- 上海市科技进步一等奖,2016
- 江苏省电力公司科技进步二等奖,2015